Another Alaskan summer coming to an end. I’m sitting here, trying to sum it all up in my head, and I’ve decided what I’ve learned after all the wild nights, crazy work schedules, broken noses, broken hearts, broken boats… (exaggerating a little) Last year, I learned a lot about myself as a person and who I want to be. This year I learned a lot about other people, in both good and bad ways. I have met some of the most amazing people in the two summers I have spent in Juneau. People that make me want to be a better person. As far as the bad goes, mostly whatI have to say is that a lot of times first instincts about people can be spot on. I’ve always been a pretty trusting person, but after this season, I have unfortunately learned that there is a limited number of people who are worthy of my trust. I like to try to find the best in people, but have decided to put my guard up a little more. I’m sad the summer is ending, but I’m looking forward to the next one-a fresh start with people as well as my job.
Even though this was my second summer up here, it was definitely filled with “firsts.” Just to name a few:
-Dogsledding/Camping on a glacier – this was one of the most awesome things ever! I feel so lucky to have been able to do it. The dogsled part isn’t too exciting. But being able to see what the people do up there is really cool. They stay on the glacier 7 days and then have 2 days off. They have their own little world up there. And we got to help them out with their daily chores. We scooped dog poop and piles of dog hair called “woolies” and transferred them over to another spot away from the camp. It was a lot of work, but we got to ride around on a snow machine which was fun. We got stuck up there for about half a day because the weather was too bad for a helicopter to come get us. Lucky for me, one of the guys gave me a book and let me stay warm in the tent and read. They also had the best food ever! Mmmm.

-Ziplining – something I’ve always wanted to do. I never put much thought into the actual tour. Everyone does it and loves it, so I figured I would. I kind of forgot that I’m a little scared of heights!! I was terrified to go off the first one. Once I did, I was ok. But it really freaked me out! It was so beautiful though. You actually zipline over the old mine so you see a lot of really cool stuff. I’m glad I was able to do that when the girls came to visit, so fun.
-Seeing orcas out in the wild – and they were playing around having a good ol’ time! So exciting Jnever want to go to Sea World again.
-Having visitors – I felt so spoiled that I was able to have my mom, Karina, and Sharla come visit. The visits helped relieve some stress from work and life. Not to mention it’s always great to spend time with people you love! I had a great time showing them around and going on tours. Hope to have more visitors next year! Come see me! (and Alaska)
-Going to Skagway –The trip as a whole was actually pretty awful, but I won’t get into details about that! The weather was beautiful, and I was excited to see a new place in Alaska. The highlight was definitely the flight back in a teeny little plane!
It’s amazing how much you can pack into one summer, and yet the time just flies by. It was an emotionally draining few months for me. But those wonderful people I mentioned earlier, plus being in this beautiful place, made it all worth it. I love it up here, not much can change that. And though I would have done certain things differently, I’m not going to let any of that weigh on me. Now it’s time for the hardest part - to make some decisions about what to do with myself this winter! First step is booking a flight out of here……