Monday, June 13, 2011

Lessons Learned

I've learned so much since being in Juneau. Obviously I have learned a lot about Juneau itself. But I'm learning lots more. I've learned that if I wasn't addicted to coffee before I got here, I most definitely am now. I drink SO much in a day! I can't help it. Not only do I have to stay awake, it's nice to drink something hot on such cold days. I've learned that I looove halibut. So delicous. (At least the way Sky makes it is.) I've learned that I'm a better salesperson than I ever thought I would be. (Not that I'm that proud of it...if I were a tourist, I'd hate us.) I've learned that there is a big difference between 21 and 26.

On a deeper level, I'm learning a lot about myself. I've always thought of myself as a decent human being. I've never been the kind to do things just to spite other people. I don't ever do things to intentionally hurt anyone. And even though working in a restaurant for so long made me able to be a little more rude to people, I'm generally a nice person. (Which is why, on the docks, I try to just sell our tours as amazing, rather than talking shit on the others. And it works out in my favor a lot of the time.) Anyway, lately I've realized certain things that I do that I want to change. I'm working on being a better person. I'm watching what I say and what I do. I can't stand it when people I care about are upset with me for any reason. So I want to make sure that this doesn't happen. I'm not going to get into any details, but I think I know what to do to fix some of the habits that I have.

Even though I am learning a lot about myself, I'm also getting more and more mixed up with what I want to do with my life. It's only June, and I know I'm here till mid-September so I know I don't need to figure it out quite yet. But then again, these past two months went by crazy fast. I've been meeting people from all over the world, who do all kinds of things. It just makes me want to travel more of the world. I want to go everywhere. More Europe this Fall, which will be amazing. But when will I get to Asia? The English teaching thing is creeping up in the back of my mind again........

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blisters and more bruises

I think I'm getting used to bruises, scrapes, welts, etc. Not the blisters though. I hate blisters! I guess the blisters are better than having to hike with wet feet. My boots just aren't very comfortable when walking long distances. I went camping last night with the Vegas girls and some of the other salespeople. It was a lot of fun! There were 8 of us, plus Romeo. The hike out to the cabin was 3.4 miles. I got to camp with one blister. And then got back to the car this morning with two more. We took booze and hot dogs. We actually started drinking on the way there. So much more fun than the way back. Waking up at 5:30 and going hiking is a good way to work off a hangover! The little cabin was nice. Just a spot for sleeping. It was right on the water, with an amazing view. There were tons of eagles hanging out on the rocks, and a few seals playing around in the water for a long time. It was so cool. Yesterday I realized I'm actually getting used to seeing bears. I took a picture of one eating grass on the drive out there. But then when we were hiking, we saw one really close and I was too lazy to get my camera out of my backpack. That's when I realized it. Ever since seeing one walk across the street with her three cubs right in front of my van...well, it just doesn't get more awesome than that! So seeing one just sitting there isn't that exciting to me anymore! Crazy.

Now I'm going to sleep because I'm so very tired. It's almost 10pm and still light out. Eye mask here I come.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

check it

April 12th

June 3rd

So much has changed in the short time I have been here!


I'm in a funk today. Annoyed with people. I got way too much attitude from tourists today..and instead of killing them with kidness, which is what I usually try to do..I got a little attitude-y back. I don't know what my deal is. Just one of those days I guess. Blah. And I'm still not done...gotta go pick up whale watchers in an hour. At least these ones are cool. We got to go out on the new boat last night which was amazing. Although, I was kind of in a funk then too. What the heck! Get me out of this mood!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Billy No Mates

Today was a decent day, despite this cold that I have and the fact that I was cold all day. I blame the library for that one...blocking the sun from the dock I was at all day. It just gets so cold in those booths! Even if the sun is out, it doesn't come over the library until the late afternoon. It was a pretty slow day until someone who bought a shuttle ticket from me came back, yelling at me. Apparently he didn't listen to my instructions very well and ended up missing the shuttle. He threatened to call the police on me because I was scamming him. I wanted to be like, "well that wouldn't be the first time I've had JPD called on me since I've been here." I'm one of the nice, calmer people down there, why am I getting so much crap?! I just think it's funny :)

I ended up being the very last person on that dock selling today. It worked out pretty well for me in the end, selling a group of 20 on a tour, which boosted my sales and commission for the day. So that was nice. But there were lots of comments from people boarding back on their ship, about me being down there by myself. This one English guy called me "Billy No Mates." Thanks, sir.

In other news, Sky got his new boat! It's a 24 passenger boat for whale watching. It's brand spanking new and so pretty!! Smells like a new car! (boat...I've already been corrected) I think we might all go out on it this excited! Ok I guess that wasn't really "in other news"....all work related.

And now it's time for bed because my nighttime cold meds are kicking in.