Thursday, June 2, 2011

Billy No Mates

Today was a decent day, despite this cold that I have and the fact that I was cold all day. I blame the library for that one...blocking the sun from the dock I was at all day. It just gets so cold in those booths! Even if the sun is out, it doesn't come over the library until the late afternoon. It was a pretty slow day until someone who bought a shuttle ticket from me came back, yelling at me. Apparently he didn't listen to my instructions very well and ended up missing the shuttle. He threatened to call the police on me because I was scamming him. I wanted to be like, "well that wouldn't be the first time I've had JPD called on me since I've been here." I'm one of the nice, calmer people down there, why am I getting so much crap?! I just think it's funny :)

I ended up being the very last person on that dock selling today. It worked out pretty well for me in the end, selling a group of 20 on a tour, which boosted my sales and commission for the day. So that was nice. But there were lots of comments from people boarding back on their ship, about me being down there by myself. This one English guy called me "Billy No Mates." Thanks, sir.

In other news, Sky got his new boat! It's a 24 passenger boat for whale watching. It's brand spanking new and so pretty!! Smells like a new car! (boat...I've already been corrected) I think we might all go out on it this excited! Ok I guess that wasn't really "in other news"....all work related.

And now it's time for bed because my nighttime cold meds are kicking in.

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