Monday, June 6, 2011

Blisters and more bruises

I think I'm getting used to bruises, scrapes, welts, etc. Not the blisters though. I hate blisters! I guess the blisters are better than having to hike with wet feet. My boots just aren't very comfortable when walking long distances. I went camping last night with the Vegas girls and some of the other salespeople. It was a lot of fun! There were 8 of us, plus Romeo. The hike out to the cabin was 3.4 miles. I got to camp with one blister. And then got back to the car this morning with two more. We took booze and hot dogs. We actually started drinking on the way there. So much more fun than the way back. Waking up at 5:30 and going hiking is a good way to work off a hangover! The little cabin was nice. Just a spot for sleeping. It was right on the water, with an amazing view. There were tons of eagles hanging out on the rocks, and a few seals playing around in the water for a long time. It was so cool. Yesterday I realized I'm actually getting used to seeing bears. I took a picture of one eating grass on the drive out there. But then when we were hiking, we saw one really close and I was too lazy to get my camera out of my backpack. That's when I realized it. Ever since seeing one walk across the street with her three cubs right in front of my van...well, it just doesn't get more awesome than that! So seeing one just sitting there isn't that exciting to me anymore! Crazy.

Now I'm going to sleep because I'm so very tired. It's almost 10pm and still light out. Eye mask here I come.

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