Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hello! I feel like it has been so long since I have blogged. Busy busy. I actually had a rough week, but since it is over and the weekend has come and been amazing, I won't get into my weird week. On Friday, I learned that boxed wine can make a girl very, very happy. Kally and Christine started drinking before we were even on the tram to go home from school. At the time, I thought I was getting a migraine, so I didn't partake in the activities right away. Thank god the headache went away. I have only ever had one migraine in my life and the headache I had on Friday was getting to that point, I thought. I was crying it hurt so bad! I'm glad I decided to not go home though. Kally gave me pills and fed me soup and I felt a lot better. And I was prepared to drink classy wine! We hung out with some people in their building, some from Germany, some from Ireland. It was fun. Then I had a very drunk Skype session with Tyla and Kristine back home while Kally slept on the bed on the kitchen-that had a bunch of stuff on it, and smelled like urine, and had her feet on the fridge. Oh what a night.

Last night was our Halloween night! Crazy, fun night-involving: Sandra Dee, Absinthe fairy, Future Barbie (who has pink hair), vodka, nasty Czech rum, KFC, unnecessary metro, tram and cab rides, popping a squat, a fried cheese sandwich, drinks at a pub, hurting feet, an old church turned into a club, first coat check I've ever seen (and didn't even use), Harry Potter, stinky popcorn, freezing our asses off, another fried cheese sandwich, sharing a bed, passing out while trying to look at pictures. good times.

I can't believe tomorrow starts the fourth and final week of class. Christine has an idea of what she wants to do. But Kally and I should probably get our lives together and figure out what we're doing. As of now, my tentative plan is to spend another week in Europe, and go somewhere else for actual vacation. Then fly home. And spend the holidays at home. And then try to get a job in Korea. This is totally just an idea formulating in my head. Who knows what will happen. During the first two weeks, I was almost convinced I didn't even like the teaching thing. But last week, I was feeling it more. And I have just been more intrigued by Asia than Europe. Maybe it's just Prague. But I'm already kind of tired of it here. I'm over the rude people. There are things I love and things I do not love. But I guess it's like that anywhere. If I go to Asia, I will actually be able to save money since they pay well, and everything is cheaper. I don't want a job where I'm just barely getting by. I'm rambling...but these are just thoughts that are running around in my head and stressing me out!!!

I suppose I should stop procrastinating and get back to my homework. Hope you all have a great Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

too much cheese

The way my morning was going, I thought today was going to be an awful day. It shaped up to not be too bad. But let me just tell you the events that took place this morning: first, woke up with a headache (damn sulfites). I woke up on my own, because apparently the sound was off on my ipod/alarm clock. Wasn't a big deal, still had time to get ready, just not to do anything else. So when I woke up I thought "yay it's sunny! it's sunny and it's Friday!" Then something triggered in my brain, it's not Friday-it's Wednesday. Dammit! I have no idea what made me think it was Friday, but I was convinced. So I got ready and decided I should try my flat iron. I have been scared to blow a fuse. But my curling iron works. And Christine's flat iron works. So I plugged it in, all seemed good. Left the bathroom and heard "boosh!" and the light was off. Blew a fuse and possibly ruined my beloved flat iron forever. I tried to fix it, but it wasn't working, and I had to leave. Then I am on my way to the tram, and messing with my ipod when I realize I only have one glove in my hand. I look back and it's on the ground about 50ish feet away. (how many meters?) Obviously I go back to get it. And of course, miss the tram by seconds. And because I missed that tram, I missed my connecting one. Also by seconds. So I arrive to class 10 minutes late because it was 11 and trams aren't as frequent at that time.

I was convinced I was going to have the worst day ever, including a horrible lesson. But it wasn't too bad. Definitely not my best, but not too bad. Oh and since my power was out, I used almost all my lunch meat on my sandwich and brought all my cheese to school since I can keep it cold there on the window sill. I got this amazing box of cheese yesterday and this little booth set up outside of the mall. 6 different kinds. All delicious. It's not like I had to eat all the cheese...but I just couldn't help it! I never knew there was such thing as too much cheese, but now I have a stomach ache. It was probably worth it though...

I finally put credits on my phone today, which was good because I had to call Iva to talk me through getting my electricity back on. Only because I couldn't open the thing, or understand the words. But electricity is back on and everything is peachy. I was freaking out though because it's really dark in here with no lights on! I thought I was going to have to jump back on the tram to the girls' apartment. And then throw rocks at their windows since you need 17 keys to get into their place. You also need 17 keys to get out of their place. It's very inconvenient.

Another beautiful sunset today, that I missed because I was teaching. I still have pictures to post, but I have to do homework. So I'll probably post them in like 10 minutes when I decide to procrastinate again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

amazing sunset

walked through the park, over a bridge, and halfway home with Kally after class. It was awesome. Such a beautiful sunset!! lots of pics to post..but too tired from drinking classy boxed wine. gooooodnight.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Social Distortion - Story Of My Life

I forgot some...

I also miss...
  • Big Sexy Hair Root Pump Plus
  • my cowboy boots
  • Google in English
  • soft towels
  • my fake leather jacket (really wish I would have brought it)
  • Starbucks iced coffee (too cold here..and a million dollars)
  • oh, ice

I don't really have anything interesting for you today. So I will leave you with probably my all-time favorite song...since it came up in class today. (posting it separately, fyi)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Miss.....

  • my bed
  • my pillow
  • Diet Dr. Pepper
  • Red Box movies
  • The Office
  • sandals
  • toilet paper that doesn't feel like sand paper
  • paper towels that don't feel like sand paper
  • warmth
  • baths
  • meat
  • my friends
  • the beach
  • my Blackberry
  • Lily (duh)
  • family
  • slippers
  • making money
  • cuddling
  • driving my car
  • a washing machine that I understand
  • a dryer
  • cereal
  • a roommate
  • more specifically, Karina
  • a full length mirror
  • my coffee maker
  • pumpkins and all that has to do with Halloween
  • the rest of my clothes

Homesick today

I haven't been as homesick since I've been here as I was today. Not really sure what brought it on. I had a good weekend, despite being really tired. I finally had some Czech food! On Saturday, Christine and I went to do some touristy things. We saw the John Lennon Wall, which wasn't super exciting, but really pretty. And I loved all the Beatles quotes (made me miss Rock Band!). And it's cool that everyone writes on it. It was a really nice day out, and I had been wanting some goulash! So we sat outside at a little restaurant and had a 3 course combo deal. Soup, goulash, and an apple dessert. It was really good, even though we were charged 60CZK for the bread they just bring you. I had just read about that too. Some restaurants just bring you bread and then if you eat it, they charge you. Lame. But I love bread too much to not eat it when it's in front of my face!

My tip of the day is: don't drink red wine before you go out. I learned that Friday night. We went to a bar called Red Room, which I actually liked. But I was soo tired as it was, and the wine I drank before going out didn't help at all. Plus it was a million degrees in there and I felt claustrophobic. There was a live band, but it was just finishing up by the time we got there. The last song they played though was "Brown-eyed Girl" so I was happy. Probably one of my all-time faves. An event that happened on my 2am tram ride home was probably the highlight of the night though. A kid got on the tram, and it wasn't moving, but he definitely couldn't walk straight. (stagger was one of my vocab words this week...he was the perfect example) So I noticed he sat down and totally passed out. He was a normal looking kid, probably like 19 or 20, kind of dorky. He looked American. Well we're almost to my stop and I hear all these Czech guys laughing and I obviously couldn't understand what they were saying, but I figured it out once I smelled what had happened. I walked by the kid as I was getting off...he was still 100% passed out, covered in puke. Puke all around him. Gross. I felt bad for him...hope he made it home! poor drunk kid.

Last night, I kept it mellow for myself. I met some new people though, so that was cool. And didn't really go out out...but still managed not to make it to sleep until 4am. I'm really dreading this week. I've heard the 3rd week of this class is the worst! I'm just going to try to take it one day at a time. I went to Tesco tonight to buy food for my lunches this week. I always compare Tesco to Walmart, but I think Tesco is nicer. But I still treated it like Walmart, and wore crazy, non-matching clothes. Something I would probably only wear to Walmart, but this is Prague...I could dress like that everyday and no one would look at me twice. This city is so strange. Best thing I bought mozzarella balls. So good! I could eat cheese everyday for the rest of my life.
And I just love bell peppers, so I made a meal out of these.

That was my dinner. Not much, but I had had a big lunch. I pass this place "Paul" every morning when switching trams. And this nice Irish girl last night told me that it's amazing. I had always wanted to stop in there before school and get coffee and a pastry. But that would require me being ready earlier to make time..let's get serious. So I stopped in for lunch today. I got a baguette sandwich with tuna. SO good. And of course had to get one of the amazing looking desserts. SO SO good. Kind of splurged this weekend. So it's homemade lunches everyday this week!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tired of being tired

Pretty crazy to think that tonight, I will have been here for 2 weeks. Time is flying by. But at the same time, I feel like I have been gone forever! Wed-Fri I get so insanely tired, that it's hard to go do stuff at night. But it's Friday...I will force myself to go out tonight. Even if it's low key and then go big tomorrow night. I just have to experience more of the nightlife while I'm here. Well, can't really type right now...I have to focus on drinking my much needed coffee. Have a nice day everyone :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

we're totally locals now

We got out of class about 4:50 today, which was so nice. So Christine and I decided to go somewhere for a drink. We were both craving a glass of wine. So we jumped on the first tram that came and got off at a spot we thought was good. It was exactly where I had been wanting to go...the Charles Bridge! It was still so early so we just decided to wander. We came across a shy Vietnamese girl who was doing a questionnaire. It was weird filling it out, saying we lived here, but who knows for how long? We ended up meeting her teacher, and he gave us a perfect spot for a glass of wine. Over the bridge, there was a spot that a lot of Communists used to go to, once upon a time. And he said the outside was still really old school but that it was nice in there. We think we came across it, but weren't too impressed, so we kept wandering. We went into a random store where this young guy told us where we could go that was where locals go, rather than tourists. (By the way, we really had no idea where we were...Prague 1. but you could have said 4 and we would have believed it.) The place we went was so cute! totally hipster. We each ordered wine that came in little mini pitchers. Super cute. and the wine was really good. We had some food and and just hung out for a long time. So fun :) and a few cute guys, which is way rare.

I was so glad Christine was like, let's go do something! Because I just get so tired after class! But still want to see stuff! Today was even worse than Monday...we were all yawning and delusional. I'm pretty sure our teacher, Jeremey, hates us. The three of us girls start giggling randomly and he just doesn't get it. Um, inside joke Jer, don't worry about it.

Sooo...yesterday, someone was supposed to come fix my blinds that didn't work. So I even cleaned a little. But when I got home, they were in exactly the same shape: broken. I had gone grocery shopping last night and had been drinking I kind of made a mess of the place. It wasn't that bad, just stuff not put away. Today at school, Iva told me they would come today at 4. So when I got home tonight, blinds were fixed.....but also, apartment-cleaned! what??? I was so confused. Why did someone make my bed?? And not only make my bed, switch my fave blanket with the ugly comforter from the other bed... and put my groceries away. And put my books in a neat pile on my desk. And put my boots away. And where did this towel with the penguins come from? very strange. I would have rather them just wash my dishes in the sink...that's what I hate doing the most...

At least now I don't have to change in the bathroom. Or feel like I should.

Nervous about a lesson in grammar. eek. I barely understand it myself! Present perect continuous what?  I don't get it..

Monday, October 18, 2010


                               "I'll leave my window open,
                                      'cause I'm too tired at night to call your name.
                                               Oh, just know I'm right here hopin'
                                                         that you'll come in with the rain." -T.Swift

Hate Mondays!

I haven't hated Mondays this much in a long time! I even hate Sundays, because I know that the next day is just going to be Monday. And of course, I left my weekend homework until Sunday night. Some things never change. I will still find anything I can to procrastinate. For example, I even unpacked my suitcase last night. If I didn't have homework to do, I'd probably live out of a suitcase the entire month I'm in this apartment.

Sunday was actually very enjoyable. We went out on Saturday night..the whole TEFL class, plus a couple of the boys' friends. We had a great time. (Have I mentioned I love Czech beer? good AND cheap) So I stayed with the girls again. I slept in until almost noon on Sunday, it was awesome. Then Christine and I had McDonald's because we had some sweet coupons. Then we just wandered around shopping and stuff. Being tourists pretty much. We stopped and had coffee at a little cafe, which had heaters and the most amazing thing-blankets! It was reallllly cold. And by reallllly cold I mean well today it said it was 6 degrees C. So that would be like 42 degrees F I think? This confuses me. And today was warmer than yesterday. Anyway...cold for a San Diego girl! So while out shopping, Christine and I saw this red and white striped shirt, which I actually thought was pretty cute. And she came up with the idea of being Where's Waldo? for Halloween. So I'm considering that. But I'm open to suggestions, so please, if you have an idea for me, send me an email. We've come up with a couple clubs that are doing things that weekend, seeing as how Halloween isn't big here like it is in the states. We're still pretty excited :)

I had my first Kinder egg today. Which I would like to thank Karina for. (or should I say Stephen? or should I say Stephen's mom?) I might be obsessed. They're hollow chocolate eggs, with....TOYS! inside. Karina has such cute little toys. I got a Looney Tunes puzzle..not so fun. So I definitely need more. It really helps that the chocolate is pretty amazing. I keep thinking that I should probably stop eating chocolate. But then I just remember that chocolate like this isn't this easy to get! gotta live it up while I'm here.

I began this blog sober, but in the middle, I talked to my mom on Skype for an hour, while drinking wine. So now that I'm a couple glasses deep, I think I should probably end this before I start misspelling words and telling you all my deepest darkest secrets.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

feeling blah today

Paramore: Misguided Ghosts

I am going away for a while
But I'll be back don't try and follow me
'Cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
And it might not be here where I feel safe
We all learn to make mistakes

And run from them, from them
With no direction
We'll run from them, from them
With no conviction

'Cause I'm just one of those ghosts
Traveling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles

Now I'm told that this is life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Would someone care to classify
Our broken hearts and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on

And run to them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh you are not useless
We are just

Misguided ghosts
Traveling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away

And there's no one road
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me

They echo me in circles

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rainy day in Praha

It's Friday night. I should be out, living it up since I survived the fist week. But I'm too drained! Plus we are going out tomorrow night for sure, so I gotta save some energy, and money! I also want to go exploring during the day tomorrow, so I want to be alive. (unlike Wednesday) First thing on my list for tomorrow is to buy a blowdryer! As of now, I have to make sure my hair is dry before leaving, because if I go out with wet hair, I'm pretty sure I'll turn into a popsicle!

I gained a few pounds right before I left for Prague. Everyone was just trying to fatten me up! (Outback, Mission, Miguel's Jr...thanks for the free food though) Luckily, I definitely lost those few already. I was thinking I would like to lose more, but seeing as how all I've been eating is carbs, I don't think that's going to happen. Oh and chocolate. oh well! It's delicious!

The first week is over. I thought I might have a better idea of what I will want to do, but I don't. I have no idea at all. Maybe after next week. I'm just getting really nervous. I'm really not sure teaching (even just English) is something I want to do. I know I don't have to do it forever. But I also need to make up my mind fairly quick because I can't just hang out in Europe forever, making up my mind. Don't have the funds! I have a bunch of little considerations floating around in my mind, but I'm trying not to make any predictions until I get a better feel of teaching. And a better feel for life outside of the states. As of now, I miss my friends a lot. And San Diego. And TV!! Oh and I don't know if you know this but I also miss my cat.... (now I'm just doing it to be annoying. is it working?)

I also miss the dogs! There are two dogs always hanging out in the building our class is in. They're cute dogs, I always just want to play with them, rather than doing my lesson plans. I kept thinking how it's crazy how many people I see with dogs! But then I remembered New York, and in cities like NY and here, people mostly live in apartments, so you have to take them out. It's just funny here because you see people in stores with their dogs. And on the trams. It's just silly to me. I like it.

I wish I had more interesting things to write about right now. But I guess I really don't. I'm just going to drink a beer, finish watching a movie I didn't finish last night, and go to bed!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you haven't already figured it out, I had my first experience with the nightlife of Prague on Tuesday night! I had an amazing time, but paid for it Wednesday morning...and afternoon...and night. I was sick all day long. In fact, that might have been the worst hangover I've ever had. I suppose it was all worth it. It ended up being a girls night. The boys had prior engagements. I started off the night by getting lost on the way to Kally (correct spelling) and Christine's apartment. I couldn't remember the tram stop where I was supposed to get off. So I just guessed. And then I just started walking. And I just kept pretending like I knew where I was going, seeing as how it was dark and I had a lot of stuff with me. (I get nervous, even in San Diego, when it's dark and I'm alone.) I had never been there, it had just been pointed out. I knew the general direction and I finally saw a sign that said "museum" with an arrow. I knew I could find it once I found the huge museum. I was pretty proud of myself when I had it figured out...even though I walked about a mile, completely unnecessary. Exercise right? Right.

The girls and I had a drink before going to a pub called Jama, really close to their apartment. There were music posters up all over, I loved it. Apparently we were late for 2 for 1 drinks. But our new favorite bartender, Mari, let us have the deal anyway. So we each had a couple cocktails. But I didn't even finish my second one because I just really wanted beer!! The first Czech beer I had was awesome. And, of course, it had the word "cat" in the name. I thought she said "dumb cat" but she laughed at me when I tried to order it for someone else. And I can't remember the right name. And obviously after that, I was a little tipsy so who knows what the other beer was called! But it was good too. Earlier in the day we had met some American boys, who ended up meeting up with us. They were cool..New Yorkers. It was nice having some English conversations with people other than the classmates and teacher. After the pub, everyone wanted to go to a club. Great time..mostly dancing with the girls. We were there for quite a while. As we were leaving, people were taking shots of Absinthe and Kally and I wanted to partake (especially since we didn't have to pay for them), but we immediately regretted our decision. It burned like a mofo! We were done after that. So we began marching up and down the street, waiting for Christine. Literally marching. why? no idea. It took us a good hour to get home because we had no idea where we were. But we made it. And then ate some rice and popcorn and then it was bedtime, which I guess was around 5am or so.

I woke up feeling like hell. And it got worse from there. All day I just figured I was dying a slow, painful death. I literally had to leave class to go puke in the bathroom. (you wanted to know that, right?) Good thing I didn't have to give my first practice lesson in front of real live people.......oh wait. Yes  I did. Honestly, it all worked out just fine. We had a couple hours to just sit and plan our lesson. So I would just take breaks and relax. And feeling like shit took a lot of the stress that I would have normally been dealing with completely away. I wasn't as nervous,because I just didn't care. I just wanted the day to end. My lesson wasn't the best (obviously, it was the first day) but it wasn't so bad. And we weren't being observed so it was fine.

My lesson tonight went much better. I had more fun too. I love all the people we give these lessons to. They get to do this for free, so they are there because they want to be, and they want to learn. I love it. They're all so enthusiastic and like to participate. That makes it so fun. And some of them are super funny. Lesson planning is definitely time consuming and stressful. I admire all you teachers out there! These classes are draining. We got out at about 7:15 tonight and I still had to go to the store..I haven't bought any food yet! So I didn't get home until 8:30. So I apologize if this post is kind of all over the place. I blame my exhaustion.

Goodnight :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

First day of school!

So much to talk about today! It will probably be another long one. But it will also probably be the last long one for a while, since school is going to be taking up so much of my time. Mon and Tues we go from 9:30-5 and Wed-Fri from 11-7. Long days. So I guess I will start at the beginning of my day! (makes sense, huh?)

My nap yesterday afternoon really screwed me up...I couldn't fall asleep for anything last night!! I probably fell asleep for good around 3am. Needless to say, when my alarm went off at 7, I was hating life. When I finally got out of bed, I was freezing! So that definitely didn't help! It's kind of fun dressing up for cold weather, since I never get to do that. And scarves are so cute. On the tram I noticed the guy next to me was looking at a Prague book that was in English! And he was looking at maps and stuff, so I figured he was a foreigner who wouldn't judge me for taking pictures while sitting there. There was steam coming off the river and looked awesome, so I'll post the pictures on FB after this. When I got off the tram, I got a little mixed up and started freaking out that I was going the wrong way! But I figured it out...because I'm a big girl now.

There are 4 other students besides myself. 2 girls and 2 guys. We all got along right away. I hope I spell their names right...Cali is from Alaska, Christine is from New Jersey, Brandon is from upstate NY, and Philip is from Prague. We all went to lunch together at this creperie called U  Slepe Kocicky, which means The Blind Kitty (or kitten or cat or something). I swear it wasn't my choice! There were all these cat statues around, pretty funny. I of course have pictures of those as well. The food was awesome. My tummy was so happy to have a real meal! I got a "salty" crepe with cheese, ham, and olives. yum yum.

The class itself is.....interesting. It was kind of a silly day today. We did some things that felt awkward, since we already know English. We did learn a little bit of Czech though. It was really good to finally understand a little bit about how to pronounce certain letters. And how to be polite and say hello! So tomorrow night, we have plans to go to an American bar near the girls' apartment for 2fer Tuesday! 2 for 1 drinks, I'm so there. I can't wait to have a BEER! I can't believe I have been here this long and haven't even had one yet. I get indecisive ordering a beer in California, I will probably get overwhelmed here. But I think first I need to try a Budweiser since my cousin, Kim, said it's actually good here. So I'm glad I have some friends! And to be doing something FUN! I've already made plans to stay at their apartment so I don't have to take the tram home alone, since I'm sure we will rage cage.

I'm warming up to my apartment a little bit. It's starting to feel like my little home. I still feel weird about using the dishes and silverwear. And I still hate where it's located. My classmates asked me where I lived...I was like some trees. I know what street I live on (well actually I don't, but I carry my address around with me), and I know that the tram stop is Postovka. If you put a map in front of me, I wouldn't be able to find it. Which doesn't say much really...Jordan had to explain the map at the zoo to me. The map at the zoo had pictures of animals on it. My map here has Czech street names. I'm not good with maps. But once I have been somewhere once, I'm pretty good at being able to get back there. I might take the long way, but at least I make it!

Well, I guess that's it. Time to post some pictures!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I saw Prague today!!!!

The lady that picked me up from the airport, Iva, took me on a short tour to show me the way to school. I got a feel for where exactly I am living, and where the city is. It really pisses me off that I live so far and around nothing. I'm so glad she showed me the way because even though I could have figured it out, I feel way more confident about doing it alone tomorrow morning. SO! Prague is absolutely beautiful!! I mean, I knew it would be. But it still took my breath away. We crossed the river as the sun was still out, but starting to go down. I really wanted to jump off the train every 2 minutes and bust out my camera. But I didn't want to look like a crazy person, plus there will be plenty of time for pictures when I'm on my own time.

Being on the tram reminds me of being on the subway in New York. Only instead of heading downtown or uptown, I'm heading towards Sidliste Repy or Spojovaci, which I still don't know how to pronounce. I loved all the huge buildings in New York. But the buildings here are huge, old, AND beautiful! I can't wait to go exploring. I just wish I had someone else to do it with..more fun that way. Hopefully I will have some fun people in my class! Iva gave me directions to the Charles Bridge, so I'm hoping to explore that one night after class this week.

This morning (eh, more like noon when I finally got out of bed and showered and stuff), I ventured to the market in the buiding next to me. I had no idea what the heck to get. And I'm still getting confused by the currency. I recognized familiar things, like Activia and Whiskas cat food (aw Lily! crazy cat lady). I just bought a few things to snack on. I think I need to go to a bigger store to really grocery shop. But I have enough beef jerkey and almonds for now. I really wanted a bottle of wine. But I wasn't sure how good the prices were. Plus, knowing me I would end up drinking more than half the bottle and wake up with a headache tomorrow. Probably not a good idea for my first day of class! I'm pretty excited to start school. It feels like forever since I've been. And once I was done, I never wanted to go back. Knowing it's only 4 weeks long helps though. Even though I think it's pretty intense. I'll survive.

I have heard that there is a huge population of Americans living in Prague. I still don't think I've come across one. I guess this could be due to the fact that I live so far from the real city. Czech people are so interesting to me. I can't help but watch people and the way they interact. I don't mean to stare (even though I feel like everyone is staring at me). It's probably just all in my head though, really. I'm just used to apologizing if I bump into someone, or I would definitely wait my turn behind someone who was looking at the tram schedule. People here don't do that. There are just different norms when it comes to personal space, which I already knew. It's just different when you are actually in the middle of it.

Hopefully I will have some more exciting posts during the week, with school and actually being able to see some stuff! I will post pictures, but probably mostly on Facebook (once it starts working for's being "cheeky").

Here is what I bought at the market:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I have clean socks!!

My luggage arrived!!! This made me feel much, much better.

I have this in my head. I've been listening to this song a lot because it makes me think of my boyfe back home (aka Karina Montgomery!) I'm lucky to have a friend like her in my life <3

"For Good"
Wicked Soundtrack

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

I also talked to my parents tonight on Skype, which also helped me a lot. So lucky to have them too!

Thanks for the hamburger

It's a good thing I didn't write last night. There would have been tear stains all over the paper. (not really since it's a computer, but you know what I mean.) I had a complete breakdown as soon as I locked my apartment door last night. I don't think I stopped crying until I finally fell asleep. I was just completely exhausted after traveling for like 20 hours. And when I first stepped into my apartment, which is ugly and smelled like smoke, I just realized how I am completely alone and scared to death. All I wanted was to be home. In my own bed, with my kitty and my pillow in Karina's house in San Diego. Or maybe even Shane's bed at my parent's house..with my kitty. I know it sounds lame that I miss my cat so much, but she was my little baby that followed me around and I always knew she would be there waiting for me when I got home! So now, I am really just talking to myself. Anyway, I just felt completely out of place. And for those few of you who got emails, sorry if they didn't make sense. I feel like I was drunk or something because I hardly remember writing them. I even woke up at 4am and read one and responded, then fell back asleep.

So, after lots and lots of sleep, I feel a hundred times better today. Oh, by the way, my luggage did not arrive with me in Prague. So that was definitely one reason for my tears last night. They said it would arrive at the Prague airport this morning, but I didn't know my address, so I was going to have to wait until I could call and give it to them. Well, I have a phone (thanks Kiley!) but no credits on the phone. So I was stressing about that. I woke up around noon, but felt completely stressed, lazy, and depressed still. So I put my eye mask on and went back to sleep. I woke up again around 3pm, feeling better and ready to get something accomplished. The lady who picked me up from the airport was super nice, and gave me vague directions to where I could get credits. So I tried looking up the tram stops online, and finally felt confident enough to go out into the world. I showered...with some (green?) peach soap stuff left in the bathroom, since all my shower stuff is of course in my suitcase. I threw on some makeup and my only outfit that I packed in my carry on (which I guess I'll be wearing again tomorrow, since my luggage still hasn't arrived). I was so nervous getting on the tram, just because I didn't have a phone and I was afraid of getting on the wrong one and not being able to find my way back. Czech is such a crazy language...the way the words look and sound are so different. So anyway, I was told to get off at Andel, which was an easy one. And right away I saw McDonald's and KFC, so I knew I was in the right place. I went to Vodafone in the mall where a guy told me how to add credits, which I did. But I really have no idea how it all works. All I know is I was able to call about my luggage and call my parents.

I wandered around the mall, which is pretty great for a shopping enthusiast such as myself. Grabbed some McDonald's since I hadn't had any real food since breakfast at Polly's before leaving. Apparently when you ask for a happy meal, you have to tell them you want fries and a drink. Or something...because all I got was a cheeseburger. Which was fine. I really wasn't very hungry and didn't even finish the burger. So  I was sitting there eating, and the cashier (who didn't speak English) came over to me and put an extra hamburger on my tray, smiled, and walked away. I don't know if she felt bad for me because I obviously didn't know how to order, or she just knew I am a fat kid and would still be hungry. I really wasn't. So I put it in the pocket of my coat. Then I kept thinking of the episode of Seinfeld when Jerry puts the meat in his pockets and Elaine wears it home and has all these dogs around here. I've seen a lot of dogs so far, so it wouldn't have surprised me if that happened to me. Not stray dogs...but still. And that makes me miss D-bo and Maci!

So that was my day. I've actually been in contact with a friend of a friend that is here. (Thanks, Jane!) She had actually invited me out already. But I wasn't feeling it, just because I only have a flannel and pair of jeans. Plus I don't want to be gone, if they come to drop off my suitcase! But I am very grateful that she is taking a chance on someone she hasn't even met! She seems really nice and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with, so I'm sure we'll get along just fine and can't wait to have a friend! haha, ok people...thanks for reading. Sorry this was a long one! Hope everything is well with everyone back in the states!


my little bathroom...which I was totally expecting.

My ugly apartment, which actually looks pretty good in pictures. so photogenic, you little apartment!

 coffee maker! woo hoo...not that it matters, my mom stocked me up with Starbucks Via. millions.
 My bed is of course already messy. Just trying to make into my home!
 There were two ladybugs outside my window which I figured was good luck. There was only one still there by the time I grabbed my camera.
 On my way to the tram...
 After the mall...such a pretty night!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Why is airplane food so gross?

I am currently on the airplane, headed to Germany, where I have a five hour layover and THEN I will be on my way to Prague. So I will just post this when I am bored out of my mind in the Dusseldorf airport. Having no expectations coming into this, I feel like I’ve already been through a major culture shock. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person on this plane that speaks English only. I feel so overwhelmed right now. I hate not being able to understand the people around me. But at the same time, I love hearing these Germans talk. Other languages fascinate me. I should probably try to learn one. Hmm. I just did something I haven’t done on an airplane in a really long time. I got up and peed. It makes a difference being on the aisle. I figured I should go before my Benadryl kicks in and I pass out and pee my pants. (I don’t think that would really happen..)

I stopped writing because they played “Letters to Juliet.” I wanted to see it so bad, but it was just okay. I had to force myself to stay awake though. I thought they would serve dinner right away, but we had to wait a while. So I couldn’t go to sleep right away. Although, I don’t know why I stayed up for the food. Airplane food is not good, not even a little bit. So I only slept for about 3 hours. I’m in Germany now, but I can’t connect to the internet like I thought I would be able to. It’s 6am California time, I’m so tired!! And I still have an hour and a half before I can even check in. Then two more hours after that. Oye.

It really amazes me at all the nicely dressed people traveling. I must look like such a bum. I try to be as comfortable as I can. There was a girl on my flight wearing heels, an off-the-shoulder shirt and makeup on…a little different than my leggings, t-shirt, and sweatshirt. Maybe she had someone more exciting waiting for her here, than I will have when I get to Prague.

I think I’m too tired for this to hit me. I mean, I did get a little nervous walking around this airport, trying to figure out where the hell I was going. But it hasn’t really hit me that I will be in Prague later tonight and will be there, without a return flight booked. I’ve never done anything like this. Even when I went away to college, I only moved 90 miles away from home. I surprised myself, I didn’t even cry really when I left last night. A little bit when saying bye to Heather. A little when saying bye to Carly. And a little when saying bye to my mom. Luckily, I was too concerned about getting on the plane, or I would have bawled like a baby. I’m sure I will once I get into my apartment and realize I’m all alone. I definitely already miss a couple certain people. And Lily. I’m going to miss my furry little cuddle buddy!

Step 1-done. Step 2-in process. Thank you J

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the night before


"This Time Darling"

As I'm looking back on broken
Down dreams, heartbreaks and
Memories that I've had. I made it
Through the hard times and came
Back a stronger man but this time
Darling it's just not the same
Down the lonely stairs with a
Suitcase in my hand. misery can be
A heavy load.
I've made it through the hard
Times and in vain I made it back
But this time darling it's just not
The same
In the morning I was lonely but
Never bothered to cry. Never even
Stopped to wonder why. Leaving
Was just another part of the
Game but this time darling it's
Just not the same
In the morning I was lonely but
Never bothered to cry. Never even
Stopped to wonder why. Leaving
Was just another part of the
Game but this time darling it's
Just not the same
As I'm looking back on broken
Down dreams, heartbreaks and
Memories that I've had. I made it
Through the hard times and came
Back a stronger man but this time
Darling it's just not the same
This time darling it's just not the same
This time darling it's just not the same
This time darling it's just not the same