Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you haven't already figured it out, I had my first experience with the nightlife of Prague on Tuesday night! I had an amazing time, but paid for it Wednesday morning...and afternoon...and night. I was sick all day long. In fact, that might have been the worst hangover I've ever had. I suppose it was all worth it. It ended up being a girls night. The boys had prior engagements. I started off the night by getting lost on the way to Kally (correct spelling) and Christine's apartment. I couldn't remember the tram stop where I was supposed to get off. So I just guessed. And then I just started walking. And I just kept pretending like I knew where I was going, seeing as how it was dark and I had a lot of stuff with me. (I get nervous, even in San Diego, when it's dark and I'm alone.) I had never been there, it had just been pointed out. I knew the general direction and I finally saw a sign that said "museum" with an arrow. I knew I could find it once I found the huge museum. I was pretty proud of myself when I had it figured out...even though I walked about a mile, completely unnecessary. Exercise right? Right.

The girls and I had a drink before going to a pub called Jama, really close to their apartment. There were music posters up all over, I loved it. Apparently we were late for 2 for 1 drinks. But our new favorite bartender, Mari, let us have the deal anyway. So we each had a couple cocktails. But I didn't even finish my second one because I just really wanted beer!! The first Czech beer I had was awesome. And, of course, it had the word "cat" in the name. I thought she said "dumb cat" but she laughed at me when I tried to order it for someone else. And I can't remember the right name. And obviously after that, I was a little tipsy so who knows what the other beer was called! But it was good too. Earlier in the day we had met some American boys, who ended up meeting up with us. They were cool..New Yorkers. It was nice having some English conversations with people other than the classmates and teacher. After the pub, everyone wanted to go to a club. Great time..mostly dancing with the girls. We were there for quite a while. As we were leaving, people were taking shots of Absinthe and Kally and I wanted to partake (especially since we didn't have to pay for them), but we immediately regretted our decision. It burned like a mofo! We were done after that. So we began marching up and down the street, waiting for Christine. Literally marching. why? no idea. It took us a good hour to get home because we had no idea where we were. But we made it. And then ate some rice and popcorn and then it was bedtime, which I guess was around 5am or so.

I woke up feeling like hell. And it got worse from there. All day I just figured I was dying a slow, painful death. I literally had to leave class to go puke in the bathroom. (you wanted to know that, right?) Good thing I didn't have to give my first practice lesson in front of real live people.......oh wait. Yes  I did. Honestly, it all worked out just fine. We had a couple hours to just sit and plan our lesson. So I would just take breaks and relax. And feeling like shit took a lot of the stress that I would have normally been dealing with completely away. I wasn't as nervous,because I just didn't care. I just wanted the day to end. My lesson wasn't the best (obviously, it was the first day) but it wasn't so bad. And we weren't being observed so it was fine.

My lesson tonight went much better. I had more fun too. I love all the people we give these lessons to. They get to do this for free, so they are there because they want to be, and they want to learn. I love it. They're all so enthusiastic and like to participate. That makes it so fun. And some of them are super funny. Lesson planning is definitely time consuming and stressful. I admire all you teachers out there! These classes are draining. We got out at about 7:15 tonight and I still had to go to the store..I haven't bought any food yet! So I didn't get home until 8:30. So I apologize if this post is kind of all over the place. I blame my exhaustion.

Goodnight :)

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