Monday, October 11, 2010

First day of school!

So much to talk about today! It will probably be another long one. But it will also probably be the last long one for a while, since school is going to be taking up so much of my time. Mon and Tues we go from 9:30-5 and Wed-Fri from 11-7. Long days. So I guess I will start at the beginning of my day! (makes sense, huh?)

My nap yesterday afternoon really screwed me up...I couldn't fall asleep for anything last night!! I probably fell asleep for good around 3am. Needless to say, when my alarm went off at 7, I was hating life. When I finally got out of bed, I was freezing! So that definitely didn't help! It's kind of fun dressing up for cold weather, since I never get to do that. And scarves are so cute. On the tram I noticed the guy next to me was looking at a Prague book that was in English! And he was looking at maps and stuff, so I figured he was a foreigner who wouldn't judge me for taking pictures while sitting there. There was steam coming off the river and looked awesome, so I'll post the pictures on FB after this. When I got off the tram, I got a little mixed up and started freaking out that I was going the wrong way! But I figured it out...because I'm a big girl now.

There are 4 other students besides myself. 2 girls and 2 guys. We all got along right away. I hope I spell their names right...Cali is from Alaska, Christine is from New Jersey, Brandon is from upstate NY, and Philip is from Prague. We all went to lunch together at this creperie called U  Slepe Kocicky, which means The Blind Kitty (or kitten or cat or something). I swear it wasn't my choice! There were all these cat statues around, pretty funny. I of course have pictures of those as well. The food was awesome. My tummy was so happy to have a real meal! I got a "salty" crepe with cheese, ham, and olives. yum yum.

The class itself is.....interesting. It was kind of a silly day today. We did some things that felt awkward, since we already know English. We did learn a little bit of Czech though. It was really good to finally understand a little bit about how to pronounce certain letters. And how to be polite and say hello! So tomorrow night, we have plans to go to an American bar near the girls' apartment for 2fer Tuesday! 2 for 1 drinks, I'm so there. I can't wait to have a BEER! I can't believe I have been here this long and haven't even had one yet. I get indecisive ordering a beer in California, I will probably get overwhelmed here. But I think first I need to try a Budweiser since my cousin, Kim, said it's actually good here. So I'm glad I have some friends! And to be doing something FUN! I've already made plans to stay at their apartment so I don't have to take the tram home alone, since I'm sure we will rage cage.

I'm warming up to my apartment a little bit. It's starting to feel like my little home. I still feel weird about using the dishes and silverwear. And I still hate where it's located. My classmates asked me where I lived...I was like some trees. I know what street I live on (well actually I don't, but I carry my address around with me), and I know that the tram stop is Postovka. If you put a map in front of me, I wouldn't be able to find it. Which doesn't say much really...Jordan had to explain the map at the zoo to me. The map at the zoo had pictures of animals on it. My map here has Czech street names. I'm not good with maps. But once I have been somewhere once, I'm pretty good at being able to get back there. I might take the long way, but at least I make it!

Well, I guess that's it. Time to post some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey!! This is Danielle :) I'm am so happy that you are getting situated nicely in your new city! How exciting! I'm definitely living vicariously through you :) I'm sending you such positive vibes from the SD. Miss you, girl! I wish you the best!
    p.s. love the blog! keep posting :)
    p.s.s. the reason I have this weird name is because I'm using my AIM account form like 7th grade, hahaha
