Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hello! I feel like it has been so long since I have blogged. Busy busy. I actually had a rough week, but since it is over and the weekend has come and been amazing, I won't get into my weird week. On Friday, I learned that boxed wine can make a girl very, very happy. Kally and Christine started drinking before we were even on the tram to go home from school. At the time, I thought I was getting a migraine, so I didn't partake in the activities right away. Thank god the headache went away. I have only ever had one migraine in my life and the headache I had on Friday was getting to that point, I thought. I was crying it hurt so bad! I'm glad I decided to not go home though. Kally gave me pills and fed me soup and I felt a lot better. And I was prepared to drink classy wine! We hung out with some people in their building, some from Germany, some from Ireland. It was fun. Then I had a very drunk Skype session with Tyla and Kristine back home while Kally slept on the bed on the kitchen-that had a bunch of stuff on it, and smelled like urine, and had her feet on the fridge. Oh what a night.

Last night was our Halloween night! Crazy, fun night-involving: Sandra Dee, Absinthe fairy, Future Barbie (who has pink hair), vodka, nasty Czech rum, KFC, unnecessary metro, tram and cab rides, popping a squat, a fried cheese sandwich, drinks at a pub, hurting feet, an old church turned into a club, first coat check I've ever seen (and didn't even use), Harry Potter, stinky popcorn, freezing our asses off, another fried cheese sandwich, sharing a bed, passing out while trying to look at pictures. good times.

I can't believe tomorrow starts the fourth and final week of class. Christine has an idea of what she wants to do. But Kally and I should probably get our lives together and figure out what we're doing. As of now, my tentative plan is to spend another week in Europe, and go somewhere else for actual vacation. Then fly home. And spend the holidays at home. And then try to get a job in Korea. This is totally just an idea formulating in my head. Who knows what will happen. During the first two weeks, I was almost convinced I didn't even like the teaching thing. But last week, I was feeling it more. And I have just been more intrigued by Asia than Europe. Maybe it's just Prague. But I'm already kind of tired of it here. I'm over the rude people. There are things I love and things I do not love. But I guess it's like that anywhere. If I go to Asia, I will actually be able to save money since they pay well, and everything is cheaper. I don't want a job where I'm just barely getting by. I'm rambling...but these are just thoughts that are running around in my head and stressing me out!!!

I suppose I should stop procrastinating and get back to my homework. Hope you all have a great Halloween!

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