Monday, November 1, 2010


....That's the amount I spent at Tesco on food for the rest of the week. I was being somewhat cautious, but didn't realize everything would still be so cheap! I got: peanut butter, turkey, salami, bananas, box of wine (ha), yogurts, cheese, paper towels, some top ramen-ish stuff, a Milka bar (obvi), rice cakes, bread, and I think that's it. That's pretty great since it will last the whole week! Now I can save money for drinks that will be in need after our last class on Friday!! and after we get our TEFL certificates! We had our test today...and I definitely don't mean to brag (yes I do!) but I got the top score! woot woot. hah...but we all passed very comfortably. And even though it's not THAT hard to do, still feels like a great accomplishment. And even though I'm so excited to be done with the class, I'm getting sad! Seems like no one has made any exact plans, but seems like we are all going different ways. Who knew you could get so close to people in just 4 weeks?! (and it hasn't even been the full 4 yet) That's what happens when you're together 5 days a week, 8 hours a day! and when you hang out on the weekends too!

Oh and I usually proof read my blogs before I post them, but I didn't last time. So I just read it. The English teacher came out..."oh ok, so she was on the bed ON the kitchen?" (draw a picture)  I meant IN...for anyone who noticed.

That's all. peace out, Happy November.

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