Saturday, July 23, 2011

I heart AK

I can't get over the fact that this has been the most amazing summer ever. When I first made the decision to come to Alaska, I kept thinking, "how am I going to miss an entire San Diego summer?? I will miss it too much." And I had to keep telling myself that it was just going to be one summer out of my life; I would survive. Now I can't stop thinking about what I'm going to be doing this winter, before I can make it back here again. I'm so in love with this place.

I know it has been all over my Facebook, but the bubble net feeding of the humbacks seriously made my trip here. It was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen up close! I thought it was so cool just seeing whale tales and humps for so long. But seeing about 15 whales all at once, coming up out of the water with their mouths's indescribable. We literally couldn't stop saying "OH.MY.GOD." I just love the nature and wildlife up here!!

Another thing to cross off my bucket list would be riding in a helicopter! It was never anything that I had a huge desire for. Until I came to Alaska. We sell the tour on the docks, so I had heard what it was about..never actually selling it myself. Yesterday was just such a beautiful day. So Monty called to see if we could get up. They said we had a good chance, so we headed over to Douglas. But then Monty wasn't able to go, but told me I still should. It was amazing!! It's expensive for the amount of time, but so worth it. It's definitely something to do once in your lifetime! We landed on the Taku glacier and it was sooo cool!

In life, I think that everyone should: see the Colosseum, go to Prague, walk through the ice caves of a glacier, see bubble net feeding, and go on a helicopter. I can't wait to blow up some pictures and frame them....for the apartment that I don't have.

I'm getting more and more confused about my future. All I know right now, is that I want to come back next summer.  But I still have 2 more months here, so I am going to enjoy them! And then I will have an amazing trip to look forward too (and already am!).

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