Sunday, August 14, 2011


  Kelsey: "I'm going to Juneau for one summer."
  Kally: "You never know. Alaska changes people. People say they're coming up for one summer, and 
               they end up coming back again the next."
  Kelsey: "Yeah, that won't happen to me. I think one summer is plenty."


I have been in Juneau for over 4 months now! Crazy. Sometimes it doesn't seem like that long, and other times, I think about something that happened when I first got here and it seems like a lifetime ago. It has only been recently that this job has been wearing on me. Some days, I feel so burned out on selling tours. It gets old. But I'm lucky because I do get to do other things in the office as well. I dispatch sometimes, and do emails and paperwork. So that's always a nice change. I still have like six weeks left here. But a lot of people are leaving soon, which makes me sad. Brad and Rachel are leaving on Wednesday. It seems like they just got here. I guess I'll just have to make a trip out to Vegas to vist them! Oh darn.

When I first decided to come up here, I didn't think I would be staying the whole summer. I thought I might make it to August and then decide to go home. Now I'm here till September 22nd. I'm so glad I get to stay till (almost) the very end. Then it's off to Europe for 3 weeks! I'm sooo excited for this trip! Karina, Akis, and I are going to have such an amazing time. My flights are booked, so it really feels real. And I'm taking votes on what I should do with my life after that. So if anyone has any great ideas, please send them my way. I still have no idea what to do. Karina, D-bo, Maci, and Lily should be included in the ideas too.

I'm still really tired of the rain and cold. Yesterday was really nice. If I could have a day or two like that a week, I would be a happy camper. I know I complain about the weather, but this IS what I signed up for afterall! I get so annoyed when tourists ask me if it's going to stop raining, or when the sun is going to come out. You are on an ALASKAN cruise. What did you expect??

Ok I'm falling asleep. Which isn't good because I'm still at the office and still have to drive home.

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